Thursday, June 18, 2015

Keith & Nikki

Last week my Brother and Sis-in-Law made the trip to Utah for a Honeymoon of sorts and a little bit of family time :)

We had such a great time visiting and exploring a couple of new places together, when we came across one of the most beautiful views I've seen thus far in Utah......and only about 20 mins north of our house.

We decided to do a mini shoot, in Eden Utah,  as we were not able to before or after they were married in November

Here are some favorites:

Guys, the sun was NO JOKE this day.  It was close to 8pm when we started shooting!  Keith could barely keep his eyes open even with the sun behind him haha.

Are they not the cutest?!

This poppy field was incredible!!!

And filled with bees.

These are probably my favorites from the entire shoot.

And...ahem....check out that ROCK!

Love you guys! 
So glad we were finally able to do a little session together and celebrate YOU!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

6 Year Anniversary/Maternity

In May, the hubs and I celebrated our 6th Wedding Anniversary!

After 9 years together, we're still having so much fun.... and Now we are expecting our 2nd Son at the end of the month!

God has overfilled our cups these years with Several family moves, so many friends along the way, So many many hair styles (on my part), a dog, 1 1/2 kids, traveling together, buying our first house...and I know more adventures to come.

We celebrated with our annual backyard photo shoot, but first, here are a few of our past year's photos.

1 Anniversary- Atlanta, GA

2nd Anniversary- Pensacola, FL

3rd Anniversary- Nashville, GA

4th Anniversary- Cocoa Beach, FL

 5th Anniversary- Valdosta, GA


 6 Year Anniversary- Ogden, UT

This has become such a fun tradition and I love seeing how we've changed

Love them so much.

Here's a nice shot of our pregnancy with Reuben @ 35 Weeks

And here we are at 36 weeks with Baby boy #2

Trying to Kiss Baby Brother

Looking forward to our newest adventure:  
Parenting 2 BOYS and loving every minute we spend together.